Monitoring Plans and Emission Reports for Electricity Sector Installations Volunteering Within the Scope of MRV Pilot Programme

The Government of Turkey has been awarded a grant from the World Bank Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) trust fund to finance legislative enforcement in the field of climate change. Main components of the awarded PMR project are;

  • Establishment of Project Management Unit
  • Implementation of Turkey’s greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system
  • Analytical studies related to market based instruments for GHG mitigation to improve air quality
  • Stakeholders training and consultation.
  • Public awareness

Consultancy services with the core objective of ensuring good understanding of the MRV cycle by all actors of the process. Successful harmonization of the MRV Regulation through road test practice in 18 power plants participating in the MRV Pilot Programme.

  • Monitoring Plan development: Preparation of 18 facility-specific monitoring plans
  • Emission Report development: Preparation of 18 facility-specific Emission Reports
  • Continuous support: Continuous support and supervision throughout the assignment, notably for the purposes of preparation of high quality installation specific MPs, providing the installation operators with necessary level of capacity on GHG monitoring, and ensuring elaboration of reliable ERs, with the objective of achieving a successful verification process
  • Capacity development throughout the assignment: Strengthening capacities of installations participating in the MRV pilot and delivering technical assistance to the CCD with the aim of improving the national approval and review process 
  • Support for Verification: Support to the pilot installations/companies and the CCD during verification of prepared emission reports by a third party verifier.