Küçük Menderes River Basin Management Plan Project

The overall aim of the project is to prepare a River Basin Management Plan for Küçük Menderes Basin, will be used to ensure good situation in both quality and quantity for waterbodies by General Directorate of Water Management.

More specifically, the objective of this project is to detect existing situation of water bodies by biological, chemical and hydro-morphological monitoring studies; to determine environmental quality standards for each water body; to provide and maintain good situation in water bodies by developing a Programme of Measures based on modelling studies; to ensure to meet the total cost of water services, which includes environmental costs and resource costs in accordance with the polluter pays principle.

In addition, in case of not achieving the desired environmental objectives despite the implementation of the programme of measures, the reasons are prepared in detail and exemptions in failure to meet total cost is determined.

These documents have been prepared in the scope of the Project:

  • Evaluation of Existing Conditions of Basin
  • Pressures, Impacts and Risks Assessments for water bodies.
  • Determination of the Hot Spots in the Basin
  • Evaluation of the results of monitoring studies
  • Detection of Environmental Quality Standards
  • Preparation of Programme of Measures
  • Economic Analysis Studies including environmental costs and resources costs.
  • River Basin Management Plan
  • Monitoring Programme
  • Action Plan
  • Social Impact Assessment